AVENIR FINANCES & PATRIMOINE is a wealth management consulting firm located in Nice at 19 boulevard Victor Hugo, in the heart of Nice.

The company was  founded  in 2018 by Damien RIO, 37 years old, after 11 years of professional experience in the 1st French bank in Paris and Nice (financial analyst, corporate account manager, private banker). 

Our firm is driven by strong values : excellence, independence, integrity, trust, discretion and confidentiality. 

We operate as a Family Office : we take care of all financial and asset matters for our clients and their families.

Our customers are Business leaders, Entrepreneurs, Liberal professions, Artists or high-level sportsmen and women, Non-French residents, Retired people.  

Our strength is to be at the same time generalists of the patrimony and specialists of each of its components. Thus, we can establish a global strategy, advise you with precision on all your financial and patrimonial needs, then assist you in the realization of the necessary investments. 

We offer a wide range of financial investments adapted  to your profile : life insurance Luxembourg, tax optimisation, real estate investments, lombard credit, private equity, non traditionnal investment..

We assist our clients with their tax returns in order to optimize their tax situation.

The tax situation of a non-resident taxpayer is different from that of a French taxpayer  resident. Specific rules related to this situation apply for the different categories of taxes: income tax, social security contributions, real estate wealth tax…

The initial step is the determination of the tax residence which will make it possible to determine the tax rules applicable to the taxpayer, in particular with the help of international tax treaties concluded between countries.


Ville de Nice Rue La Pomenade des Anglais